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Reservas Votorantim at
Climate Week NY 2024

September 26th

Reservas Votorantim at
Climate Week NY 2024

September 26th

Carbon credit generation in Brazil beyond the Amazon: a great opportunity in Pantanal biome

Speakers: David Canassa (Reservas Votorantim), Yuri Marinho and Marcelo Stabile (ECCON) 

In this event, Reservas Votorantim and ECCON will present the newest addition to their portfolio of Carbon projects.
REDD Pantanal is a grouped project located in Brazil’s Pantanal.
In this event ECCON and Reservas Votorantim will showcase opportunities to participate and invest in conservation-based projects developed in four of the six biomes of Brazil. The following projects will be presented and investment opportunities will be available for: (i) REDD Pantanal, (ii) REDD Carbonflor (Cerrado and Amazon), (iii) REDD Cerrado and (iv) PES Carbonflor (Mata Atlântica).
This event is restricted to investors and VCU buyers. Buyers will be allowed to reserve carbon credits while available.

Fostering Forest Carbon Credits in Brazil: Perspectives and Case Studies

Speakers: David Canassa, Yuri Marinho, Marcelo Format: In-person
& live-streamed

Sep 20 | 9am – 11am

At the event, Reservas Votorantim and ECCON will present and discuss technical, legal, operational, financial and methodological aspects of conservation-based projects in the Cerrado, Pantanal and Amazon regions through REDD+. Additionally, they will address the emerging market for Payment for Ecosystem Services in the Brazilian Mata Atlântica, specifically through C+ projects.

At the event, Reservas Votorantim and ECCON will introduce an innovative methodology for payment of environmental services, including forest carbon in Mata Atlântica region, accompanied by a case study showcasing its application.

The event will be live-streamed online.
Sign up below to receive the access link as we approach the event date.

Carbon credit generation in Brazil beyond the Amazon: a great opportunity in the Pantanal biome

Speakers: David Canassa (Reservas Votorantim), Yuri Marinho and Marcelo Stabile (ECCON)

In this event, Reservas Votorantim and ECCON will present the newest addition to their portfolio of Carbon projects.

REDD Pantanal is a grouped project located in Brazil’s Pantanal. In this event ECCON and Reservas Votorantim will showcase opportunities to participate and invest in conservation-based projects developed in four of the six biomes of Brazil.

The following projects will be presented and investment opportunities will be available for: (i) REDD Pantanal, (ii) REDD Carbonflor (Cerrado and Amazon), (iii) REDD Cerrado and (iv) PES Carbonflor (Mata Atlântica).

This event is restricted to investors and VCU buyers. Buyers will be allowed to reserve carbon credits while available.

Register for the event

*Participation will be reviewed. Our team will contact you by email.

About the speakers

David Canassa

Mr. David Canassa holds the position of Executive Director at Reservas Votorantim, Votorantim’s pioneering platform for nature-based solutions. With more than 20 years dedicated to sustainability within Votorantim’s companies, he also serves as a member of São Paulo Board of Environmental Management. Mr. Canassa holds a Master’s degree in Energy Efficiency, as well as an MBA in Sustainability, Business Management and Environment.  

Raul Cadena

Mr Raul Cadena has been at Votorantim since 2012, as General Manager – Strategy at Votorantim Industrial (currently Votorantim S.A) at the time. In 2014, he joined Votorantim Energia (currently Auren Energia) as Chief Financial Officer and took over as Executive Officer – Clients and Trading in 2021. Mr Raul Cadena holds a degree in Electronic Engineering from the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA) and a MBA from the Harvard Business School. He also works as an administrator at the Company’s investes.

Yuri Marinho

Mr. Yuri Rugai Marinho is the CEO at ECCON Soluções Ambientais. Yuri holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law and a Master’s in Environmental Law from the prestigious Largo de São Francisco – University of São Paulo (USP). In 2014, Yuri founded ECCON with the mission to develop environmentally-focused and sustainable solutions for businesses in Brazil. ECCON serves over 130 clients and is successfully executing over 500 projects. Yuri is a Consultant of the Waterloo Global Science Initiative (Canada) and a fellow of the Kinship Conservation Fellowship Program (United States).

Marcelo Stabile

Dr. Marcelo Stabile is a highly skilled Carbon Manager at ECCON, boasting an impressive 20-year career centered around sustainable agriculture and cattle ranching. He has been instrumental in devising innovative solutions for conservation finance, carbon markets and payment for ecosystem services. Marcelo holds a degree in Agronomy from ESALQ/USP, a Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Agriculture from Texas A&M University, a PhD in Agriculture from the University of Sydney and hands-on experience in farm management.

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