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A conservation strategy for the Cerrado,
Brazil’s second largest biome.


A conservation strategy for the Cerrado, Brazil’s second largest biome.

1ª edition

Tonnes of carbon (2021 to 2023).

Potential of the certified area

Carbon credits in 40 years.
0 0
Credits per year.

REDD Carbonflor is a project that replicates the successful successful model used in Legado Verdes of the Cerrado, an area managed by the Reservas Votorantim in the north of Goiás, which has been awarded the 1st Carbon credit in the Brazilian Cerrado.

 The credits generated by this project will be allocated to the voluntary carbon market, benefiting environmentally and socially responsible companies.

The project is registered at Verra under nº 4117. Have a look at

In the process of being validated and verified by the main international certification standards for forestry projects – CCB (Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standard) and Verra’s Verified Carbon Standards (VCS).

Development through application of Verra’s VM0007 REDD+ methodology framework

1ª edition

Tonnes of carbon (2021 to 2023).

Potential of the certified area

Carbon credits in 40 years.
0 0
Credits per year.

REDD Carbonflor is a project that replicates the successful successful model used in Legado Verdes of the Cerrado, an area managed by the Reservas Votorantim in the north of Goiás, which has been awarded the 1st Carbon credit in the Brazilian Cerrado.

 The credits generated by this project will be allocated to the voluntary carbon market, benefiting environmentally and socially responsible companies.

The project is registered at Verra under nº 4117. Have a look at

In the process of being validated and verified by the main international certification standards for forestry projects – CCB (Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standard) and Verra’s Verified Carbon Standards (VCS).

Development through application of Verra’s VM0007 REDD+ methodology framework

and quality

REDD Carbonflor is part of the Reservas Votorantim (rV) portfolio of carbon projects, which already includes two other pioneering projects: REDD+ Cerrado – the first carbon credit project for this biome in Brazil, and PSA Carbonflor, an unprecedented method for generating carbon credits through payment for environmental services in the Atlantic Forest.

The areas managed by rV where carbon projects are implemented offer quality, transparency and reliability of credits, making them a safe and sustainable investment.


With 51,000 hectares of protected areas, Fazenda Bodoquena is home to two biomes: Cerrado and Pantanal, where Reservas Votorantim is implementing the REDD Carbonflor and REDD Pantanal projects in partnership with ECCON Soluções Ambientais.

The area is essential for the conservation of endangered and emblematic species of the biome, in particular the jaguar (Panthera onca). Scientific research carried out on the farm has estimated the population at around 70 jaguars, making it an important ecological corridor for the species.

Both projects effectively contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1, 4, 5, 8, 13 and 15 by keeping the forest standing and protected. In addition, Reservas Votorantim, together with Fazenda Bodoquena, implemented two projects in partnership with the Votorantim Institute in the municipality of Miranda/MS, where the farm’s Cerrado area is located: the PVE (Partnership for the Valorisation of Education), which contributes to the improvement of public education, and the AGP Saúde (Public Health Management Support Program).

Are you interested in the credits?

The first emission is expected to be available on the voluntary carbon market in 2025. Sign up below to receive first-hand news about the credits.

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Av. Manuel Bandeira, 291, bloco B, conjunto 23 • Vila Leopoldina • 05317-020 • São Paulo • SP • Brazil

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